Staff Spotlight: Chris Reed

Chris Reed – CHJS Director of National Partnerships

Meet Chris, our Director of National Partnerships. Learn more about Chris below.

Where are you from/where did you grow up?

Washington, D.C.

What city has the best sport vibe? Why?

I would have to say Los Angeles (blasphemy!). The fandom of LA is something to experience for sure. They support their teams each and every day, especially the Dodgers and Lakers.

As great as sport is, what do you wish would change?

The pay to play system of sport is something I would like to see change. By nature it is exclusionary but also not a guarantee that an athlete will make it to the next level. It also creates unrealistic expectations that lead to young people losing love and trust in sport. It also just makes things not fun.

What do you wish all coaches knew?

I wish coaches knew how much of an impact they could have on young people. If more coaches knew that they have the opportunity to create bonds with young people as a caring adult in their life – that’s paramount in a child’s growth and development. On top of that, coaches have the power to help young people build long lasting bonds with each other. I am proof of that, as my oldest friend Patrick and I have 33 years of friendship thanks to a caring coach who paired us together three decades ago.

What goals do you have for CHJS?

My goal is to ensure that we are finding the right organizations to support and grow with our mission of creating healing-centered sport spaces for all young athletes. Working with leagues and sport associations across the globe to ensure that CHJS is a part of the  DNA of the change needed to do youth sports the right way.

Are there any events or training you want people to know about and attend?

June 1 // Dodgers Dreamteam Coaches Training (Dodger Stadium). Register!

Want to chat with Chris and help us build the healing-centered sport movement throughout Los Angeles? Reach out to Chris,