Yes, we need healing-centered sport environments in our schools.
“The COVID-19 pandemic was a form of collective trauma that shattered the basic fabric of society for everyone, including young people/adolescents. While the pandemic has been declared ‘over,’ it has a lasting hold on many individuals and communities across the country. … The shared experience of the pandemic, coupled with the already high levels of trauma experienced by young people, make it fair to assume that students are showing up in high school sports and other activity program settings differently than before. This has to do with how their brains process stress. The experience of overwhelming stress (or trauma) can have an immediate and lasting impact on the brains, bodies and behavior of young people.”
Check out the rest of this collaborative article between CHJS Founder Megan Bartlett and Adelphi Professor Dr. Meredith Whitley on how trauma impacts our high school athletes and how we can leverage the inherent healing aspects of sport to help our young people heal.
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