Coaching Girls Guide


Coaches and parents – want to know the secret sauce for keeping girls in sports? Spoiler alert: It’s not about pink jerseys or sparkly water bottles.

This guide, crafted with love (and a whole lot of research) with our friends at Nike, breaks down the art and science of coaching girls. Here’s the highlight reel:

  1. Connection is Queen: Girls thrive on relationships. Create a team vibe that’s more “sisterhood of the traveling soccer ball” than “survival of the fittest.”
  2. Brave, Not Perfect: Encourage girls to take risks and celebrate their efforts, not just their outcomes. Remember, Serena Williams wasn’t built in a day.screen shot 2022 10 27 at 10.27.51 am
  3. Progress Over Perfection: Focus on individual improvement rather than comparing girls to each other. Every personal best deserves a happy dance.
  4. Let Them Compete: Contrary to popular belief, girls love competition. Give them chances to challenge themselves and each other.
  5. Create Safe Spaces: Both physically and emotionally. A well-lit field and judgment-free zone go a long way.
  6. Language Matters: Ditch “you guys” for more inclusive terms. “Alright team, let’s crush it!” works just fine.
  7. Role Models Rock: Expose girls to diverse female athletes and coaches. Representation isn’t just important, it’s game-changing.
  8. Feedback is Fuel: Ask girls what they need and want. Their input is your secret weapon for creating an awesome experience.

Remember, coaching girls isn’t about lowering the bar – it’s about understanding what makes them tick and helping them soar. With the right approach, you’ll be amazed at what these young athletes can achieve. Now go forth and coach like a girl – fiercely, thoughtfully, and with a whole lot of heart!

Want to learn more coaching strategies for your team? Reach out to our director of training, Anthony Andino


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Cómo Conseguir Que Las Niñas Jueguen

This guide equips coaches and program leaders with research-backed strategies to create inclusive, empowering sports environments that help girls thrive, from building connections to fostering healthy competition.